We got a lot done this week. Joe and Chuck prepared the fields for planting, disking and running ditches and taking care of farm jobs.
Laura's been busy in the office making sure we have everything we need here. She also talked to the county about getting our signs approved. Apparently we need to have a contract for their production before the county will let us apply for a permit. We're fortunate that Laura has her attention (and patience) focused on that.
On Tuesday we had a landscaper look at the property and make some recommendations. It’s exciting to think about what else we can plant here! Maybe some crape myrtle or forsythia bushes?
The winery production area is full of pallets of bottles. Monday is the big day (our first bottling line!) and though there are plenty of things to be nervous about, we're trying to hold onto positive energy. We'll be bottling all day Monday and Tuesday so friends, neighbors, and blog readers are welcome to stop by and see how it's going!